Friday, 9 November 2012

Dental problem in sugar disease / dibetes Patient

Diabetes, or as we like to call it - the sweet disease, increases your chances of gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, both being gum diseases. Poor control of blood glucose levels means that your body isn't able to fight off bacteria that invade your gums, causing infections that can lead to the loss of teeth. Another oral problem is dry mouth, which sounds like a minor issue, but can lead to cavities. So in that case, steady control of your glucose levels is the best way to maintain good oral health when you have diabetes.

“Because of this relationship between diabetes and your teeth, it's important to tell your dental hygienist and your dentist that you have diabetes and about any medications you take,” points
  Dr .AmanSingh 
Odontos dental hospital Zirakpur 

Startling facts
  • Periodontal (gum) disease is more common in people with diabetes. 1/3rd of diabetics have it.
  • Persons with poorly controlled diabetes are 3 times more likely to have severe periodontitis than those without diabetes.
  • 60% of the people with Diabetes have a dry mouth, gum inflammation (gingivitis and periodontitis), poor healing of oral tissues, plaque & fungal infection and burning mouth and/or tongue. 

Is There a Two-Way Street?

Emerging research also suggests that the relationship between serious gum disease and diabetes is two-way. Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes. Research suggests that people with diabetes are at higher risk for oral health problems, such as gingivitis (an early stage of gum disease) and periodontitis (serious gum disease). People with diabetes are at an increased risk for serious gum disease because they are generally more susceptible to bacterial infection, and have a decreased ability to fight bacteria that invade the gums.

Severe periodontal disease can increase blood sugar, contributing to increased periods of time when the body functions with a high blood sugar. This puts diabetics at increased risk for diabetic complications. Thus, diabetics who have periodontal disease should be treated to eliminate the periodontal infection.

Dental Care tips for People With Diabetes

Dental Care tips for People With Diabetes
  • Since people with diabetes are more prone to conditions that may harm their oral health, it's essential to follow good dental care practices and to pay special attention to any changes in your oral health and to seek a prompt dental consultation if such changes occur. Here are some points to consider.
  • Keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible. 
  • At each dental care visit, tell your dentist about the status of your diabetes. 
  • See your diabetes doctor before scheduling treatment for periodontal disease. 
  • Make sure to give your dentist your diabetes doctor's name and phone number to include on your personal file. This information will then be readily accessible by your dentist should any questions or concerns arise. 
  • Bring your dentist a list of all the names and dosages of all medications you are taking. Your dentist will need to know this information to prescribe medications least likely to interfere with the medications you are already taking if medications are needed. If a major infection is being treated, your insulin dose (for those taking insulin) may need to be adjusted. Check with your doctor. 
  • Postpone non-emergency dental care procedures if your blood sugar is not in good control. However, acute infections, should be treated right away. 
  • Keep in mind that healing may take longer in people with diabetes. Follow your dentist's post-treatment instructions closely. 
  • People with diabetes with orthodontic appliances (such as braces) should contact their orthodontist immediately if a wire or bracket results in a cut to their tongue or mouth. 
*Images Courtesy: Thinkstock/Getty Images/
Article by - Dr .AmanSingh 

Odontos dental hospital Zirakpur 
Sco-1 Near N.k sharma office  ,

Take care and happy Diwali

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